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Firefighter Boarding Truck

1. What job? + Essential qualities.

Dogs on a Bench

2. American teens at work.
Comic strip - article

Fashion Store Clerk

3. Teen talking about her job.
wordsearch - crosswords

Image by Resume Genius

4. Advertise yourself! CV + cover letter. 
         CV example - CV template

WWOOF Symbol.webp

5. Let's go WWOOFing!

Image by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦

6. More American teens are  getting jobs. (reading assessment)

Image by Cristi Ursea

7. Prepare the interview.
            +job profile webquest


8. Final task: play the role of an applicant or a recruiter.

Teen talking about her job
00:00 / 01:50
More American teens are getting jobs - audio version
00:00 / 02:10
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